You may recall that I wrote about Priscilla, my lovely little Maltese dog who went blind in April 2015 with SARDS (Suddenly Acquired Retinal Disintegration Syndrome).  I wrote a blog about Prissy when she received her Muffin’s Halo from California recently and how this product has revolutionised her existence.  Very slowly, Priscilla’s personality is emerging once again.  The biggest help in Priscilla’s life, apart from the excellent product Muffin’s Halo, has been her companion Teddy, a silly but adorable Shih Tzu who has never had to grow up, thanks to being brought into an existing pack of two dogs.  Now that Teddy no longer has old Ralph to fuss over since the dear old boy’s demise on 7th December last, he seems to have turned more than the usual attention towards his beloved Priscilla.  Prissy has her enjoyable moments out in the back garden with Teddy and for once, she was able to roll Teddy over and “attack” him with the usual play growling associated with Maltese dogs with attitude. Teddy wasn’t complaining either.  He just enjoyed the moment for the delight of playing with his beloved Priscilla.


Priscilla’s blindness does have its drawbacks.  We are moving back to our home state of Victoria soon and this in itself will give Priscilla a whole new take on her life.  A long educational process of the new house will be high on the agenda as Priscilla will need to be encouraged to learn the new map of the house interior.  The Muffin’s Halo will be tap-tapping around the house as Prissy discovers the “road map” of the house interior. That is the beauty of Muffin’s Halo as it is made just a tad longer than Priscilla’s nose.  Priscilla uses the Halo to tap around unfamiliar places and when she hits something hard, she stops and considers her situation and allows the Halo to slide off either to the left or right.


In the meantime, life is “business as usual” in our household dominated by animals. Prissy will continue to enjoy her life and her constant companion Teddy. What I really appreciate about dogs is that they are creatures of the moment who seize the day and make the best of what comes along in their life. I think if humans had this capacity to just “let go” and enjoy the moment more, there would be happier people in this world.  I have always loved the happy spontaneity of dogs and their ability to enjoy the moment in life and not worry about the future or the past but to just concentrate on the here and now. This to me, is a valuable life lesson that I have tried to adopt in my own life.  All of us can learn a lot from the wisdom of dogs.


Teddy “Teddlybops” Hoover ….. enjoy life!


  1. Hard to believe this happened to her since I was there. She’s such a funny little thing. I remember her following my movements around the house and how often she would approach, and stop to lift her back leg so I’d give it a rub in that sore spot she had. Does that still bother her? – Kathy M.


    1. Hi Kathy! Yes, big changes for Priscilla in her life and also for how we have accommodated her blindness into our way of life. I don’t think Prissy has a sore spot at all as the first thing she did for me when Jon put her out of the car after driving interstate to pick her up, Prissy came up to me with a happy look on her face and she lifted her little back leg when I approached her. Prissy just likes to have a massage I think. She is a delightful creature to this day.


  2. Love reading this account of your beautiful dogs! Best wishes for Priscilla to adapt quickly which I’m sure she will with such a loving friend as you and Teddy. Your Teddy looks so much like our little dog Teddy! Looking forward to reading about your next adventure! -Kristine S.


    1. Hi Kristine! Yes, we are in for an interesting time with our big move back home. Priscilla will need looking after in her new environment, that is for sure. Our pet sheep will be stressed too and she will no doubt, try to get into the house at any chance in order to be right next to my thigh. Bertie does worry a lot when there are changes in the environment. I will keep you posted. jane 🙂


  3. Jane: What a wonderful post about Priscilla and the Muffin Halo. I will certainly pass on the info to my mother-in-law. When I clicked in this ‘leave a reply box, I got a login screen for an account I setup a number of years ago and then totally forgot. It’s nothing to go to right now. Let me get it back up and running first…



    1. Hi there Annie! Thank you for your kind words. I post about Prissy’s blindness to educate people that there are ways around their problem that will enhance their quality of life. I look forward to your blog Annie! Have a wonderful day from jane 🙂


    1. Thank you for visiting. I hope you can spread the word about Muffin’s Halo for blind dogs. I receive nothing at all from that company but I just love the product as it has worked so well for Priscilla. Prissy is such a sweet little dog, we are fortunate to have Prissy. jane 🙂


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